The course is a hands-on introduction to the areas of computer science that have a direct relevance to journalism, and the broader project of producing an informed and engaged public. We will touch on many different technical and humanistic topics: information recommendation systems but also filter bubbles, principles of statistical analysis but also the social processes which generate data, social network analysis and its role in investigative journalism, visualization techniques and the cognitive effects involved in viewing a visualization. Assignments will require programming in Python, but the emphasis will be on clearly articulating the connection between the algorithmic and the editorial.
Our scope is wide enough to include both relatively traditional journalistic work, such as computer-assisted investigative reporting, and the broader information systems that we all use every day to inform ourselves, such as social media. The course will provide students with a thorough understanding of how particular fields of computational research relate to journalism practice, and provoke ideas for their own research and projects.
Research-level computer science material will be discussed in class, but the emphasis will be on understanding the capabilities and limitations of this technology. Students with a CS background will have opportunity for algorithmic exploration and innovation, however the primary goal of the course is thoughtful, application-oriented research and design.
Assignments will be completed in groups (except dual degree students, who will work individually) and involve experimentation with fundamental computational techniques. Some assignments will require intermediate level coding in Python, but the emphasis will be on thoughtful and critical analysis. As this is a journalism course, you will be expected to write clearly.
Format of the class, grading and assignments.
This is a fourteen week course for Masters’ students which has both a six point and a three point version. The six point version is designed for CS & journalism dual degree students, while the three point version is designed for those cross listing from other schools. The class is conducted in a seminar format. Assigned readings and computational techniques will form the basis of class discussion. Throughout the semester we will invite guest speakers with expertise in the relevant areas to talk about their related journalism, research, and product development The course will be a graded as follows:
- Assignments: 80%. There will be a homework assignment after most classes.
- Class participation: 20%
Dual degree students will also have a final project. This will be either a research paper, a computationally-driven story, or a software project. The class is conducted on pass/fail basis for journalism students, in line with the journalism school’s grading system. Students from other departments will receive a letter grade.
Week 1: Basics – 9/5
First we ask: where do computer science and journalism intersect? CS techniques can help journalism in four different areas: data-driven reporting, story presentation, information filtering, and effect tracking. Then we jump right in with the concept of data. Specifically, we study the quantification process, leading to feature vectors which are a fundamental data representation for many techniques.
- What should the digital public sphere do?, Jonathan Stray
- Computational Journalism, Cohen, Turner, Hamilton
- Precision Journalism, Ch.1, Journalism and the Scientific Tradition, Philip Meyer
Viewed in class
- The Jobless rate for People Like You, New York Times
- Dollars for Docs, ProPublica
- What did private security contractors do in Iraq and document mining methodology, Jonathan Stray
- Losing Ground, ProPublica
Week 2: Clustering – 9/12
A vector of numbers is a fundamental data representation which forms the basis of very many algorithms in data mining, language processing, machine learning, and visualization. This week we will explore two things: representing objects as vectors, and clustering them, which might be the most basic thing you can do with this sort of data. This requires a distance metric and a clustering algorithm — both of which involve editorial choices! In journalism we can use clusters to find groups of similar documents, analyze how politicians vote together, or automatically detect groups of crimes.
- Cluster Analysis, Wikipedia
- General purpose computer-assisted clustering and conceptualization, Justin Grimmer, Gary King
- ‘GOP 5′ make strange bedfellows in budget fight, Chase Davis, California Watch
- The Challenges of Clustering High Dimensional Data, Steinbach, Ertöz, Kumar
- Survey of clustering data mining techniques, Pavel Berkhin
Viewed in class
- Message Machine, ProPublica
- Data mining in politics, Aleks Jakulin
- A House Divided, Delaware Online
Week 3: Text Analysis – 9/19
Can we use machines to help us understand text? In this class we will cover basic text analysis techniques, from word counting to topic modeling. The algorithms we will discuss this week are used in just about everything: search engines, document set visualization, figuring out when two different articles are about the same story, finding trending topics. The vector space document model is fundamental to algorithmic handling of news content, and we will need it to understand how just about every filtering and personalization system works.
- Online Natural Language Processing Course, Stanford University
- Week 7: Information Retrieval, Term-Document Incidence Matrix
- Week 7: Ranked Information Retrieval, Introducing Ranked Retrieval
- Week 7: Ranked Information Retrieval, Term Frequency Weighting
- Week 7: Ranked Information Retrieval, Inverse Document Frequency Weighting
- Week 7: Ranked Information Retrieval, TF-IDF weighting
- A full-text visualization of the Iraq war logs, Jonathan Stray
- Introduction to Information Retrieval Chapter 6, Scoring, Term Weighting, and The Vector Space Model, Manning, Raghavan, and Schütze.
- Probabilistic Topic Models, David M. Blei
- General purpose computer-assisted clustering and conceptualization, Justin Grimmer, Gary King
- Watchwords: Reading China Through its Party Vocabulary, Qian Gang
- Message Machine, ProPublica
Assignment: TF-IDF analysis of State of the Union speeches.
Week 4: Information overload and algorithmic filtering – 9/26
This week we begin our study of filtering with some basic ideas about its role in journalism. Then we shift gears to pure algorithmic approaches to filtering, with a look at how the Newsblaster system works (similar to Google News.)
- Who should see what when? Three design principles for personalized news Jonathan Stray
- Tracking and summarizing news on a daily basis with Columbia Newsblaster, McKeown et al
- Guess what? Automated news doesn’t quite work, Gabe Rivera
- The Hermeneutics of Screwing Around, or What You Do With a Million Books, Stephen Ramsay
- Can an algorithm be wrong?, Tarleton Gillespie
- The Netflix Prize, Wikipedia
Week 5: Social filtering – 10/3
We have now studied purely algorithmic modes of filtering, and this week we will bring in the social. The distinction we will draw is not so much the complexity of the software involved, but whether the user can understand and predict the filter’s choices. We’ll look at Twitter as a prototypical social filter and see how news spreads on this network, and tools to help journalists find sources. Finally, we’ll introduce the idea of “social software” use the metaphor of “architecture” to think about how software influences behaviour.
- What Happens to #Ferguson Affects Ferguson: Net Neutrality, Algorithmic Filtering and Ferguson, Zeynep Tufekci
- Finding and Assessing Social Information Sources in the Context of Journalism, Nick Diakopolous et al.
- A Group is its own worst enemy, Clay Shirky
- Learning from Stackoverflow, first fifteen minutes, Joel Spolsky
- Norms, Laws, and Code, Jonathan Stray
- What is Twitter, a Social Network or a News Media?, Haewoon Kwak, et al,
- International reporting in the age of participatory media, Ethan Zuckerman
- Are we stuck in filter bubbles? Here are five potential paths out, Jonathan Stray
Week 6: Hybrid filters, recommendation, and conversation – 10/10
We have now studied purely algorithmic and mostly social modes of filtering. This week we’re going to study systems that combine software and people. We’ll look at “recommendation” systems and the socially-driven algorithms behind them. Then we’ll turn to online discussions, and hybrid techniques for ensuring a “good conversation” — a social outcome with no single definition. We’ll finish by looking at an example of using human preferences to drive machine learning algorithms: Google Web search.
- Israel, Gaza, War & Data: social networks and the art of personalizing propaganda, Gilad Lotan
- Item-Based Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Algorithms, Sarwar et. al
- Google News Personalization: Scalable Online Collaborative Filtering, Das et al
- How Reddit Ranking Algorithms Work, Amir Salihefendic
- Slashdot Moderation, Rob Malda
- Pay attention to what Nick Denton is doing with comments, Clay Shirky
- How does Google use human raters in web search?, Matt Cutts
Assignment – Design a filtering algorithm for status updates.
Week 7: Visualization – 10/17
An introduction into how visualisation helps people interpret information. Design principles from user experience considerations, graphic design, and the study of the human visual system. The Overview document visualization system used in investigative journalism.
- Overview: The Design, Adoption, and Analysis of a Visual Document Mining Tool For Investigative Journalists, Brehmer et al.
- Computational Information Design chapters 1 and 2, Ben Fry
- Journalism in an age of data, Geoff McGhee
- Visualization Rhetoric: Framing Effects in Narrative Visualization, Hullman and Diakopolous
- Visualization, Tamara Munzner
Week 8: Structured journalism and knowledge representation -10/24
Is journalism in the text/video/audio business, or is it in the knowledge business? This class we’ll look at this question in detail, which gets us deep into the issue of how knowledge is represented in a computer. The traditional relational database model is often inappropriate for journalistic work, so we’re going to concentrate on so-called “linked data” representations. Such representations are widely used and increasingly popular. For example Google recently released the Knowledge Graph. But generating this kind of data from unstructured text is still very tricky, as we’ll see when we look at the Reverb algorithm.
- A fundamental way newspaper websites need to change, Adrian Holovaty
- The next web of open, linked data – Tim Berners-Lee TED talk
- Identifying Relations for Open Information Extraction, Fader, Soderland, and Etzioni
- Standards-based journalism in a semantic economy, Xark
- What the semantic web can represent – Tim Berners-Lee
- Building Watson: an overview of the DeepQA project
- Can an algorithm write a better story than a reporter? Wired/ 2012.
Assignment: Text enrichment experiments using OpenCalais entity extraction.
Week 9: Network analysis – 10/31
Network analysis (aka social network analysis, link analysis) is a promising and popular technique for uncovering relationships between diverse individuals and organizations. It is widely used in intelligence and law enforcement, but not so much in journalism. We’ll look at basic techniques and algorithms and try to understand the promise — and the many practical problems.
- Analyzing the Data Behind Skin and Bone, ICIJ
- Simmelian Backbones: Amplifying Hidden Homophily in Facebook Networks. A soophisticated and sociologically-aware network analysis method.
- Visualizing Communities, Jonathan Stray
- Identifying the Community Power Structure, an old handbook for community development workers about figuring out who is influential by very manual processes.
- The network of global corporate control, Vitali et. al.
- The Dynamics of Protest Recruitment through an Online Network, Sandra González-Bailón, et al.
- Sections I and II of Community Detection in Graphs, Fortunato
- Centrality and Network Flow, Borgatti
- Exploring Enron, Jeffrey Heer
- Galleon’s Web, Wall Street Journal
- Muckety
- Who Runs Hong Kong?, South China Morning Post
Assignment: Compare different centrality metrics in Gephi.
No class November 7th
Week 10: Drawing conclusions from data – 11/14
You’ve loaded up all the data. You’ve run the algorithms. You’ve completed your analysis. But how do you know that you are right? It’s incredibly easy to fool yourself, but fortunately, there is a long history of fields grappling with the problem of determining truth in the face of uncertainty, from statistics to intelligence analysis.
- Correlation and causation, Business Insider
- The Psychology of Intelligence Analysis, chapters 1,2,3 and 8. Richards J. Heuer
- If correlation doesn’t imply causation, then what does?, Michael Nielsen
- Graphical Inference for Infovis, Hadley Wickham et al.
- Why most published research findings are false, John P. A. Ioannidis
- The Introductory Statistics Course: a Ptolemaic Curriculum, George W. Cobb
Assignment: write a story on the status of women in science.
Week 11: Algorithmic Accountability – 11/21
Our society is woven together by algorithms. From high frequency trading to predictive policing, they regulate an increasing portion of our lives. But these algorithms are mostly secret, black boxes form our point of view. We’re at they’re mercy, unless we learn how to interrogate and critique algorithms.
- Algorithmic Accountability primer, Data and Society Research Institute
- How Big Data is Unfair, Moritz Hardt
- How the Journal Tested Prices and Deals Online, Jeremy Singer-Vine, Ashkan Soltani and Jennifer Valentino-DeVries
- Algorithmic Accountability, Nick Diakopoulos
- How Algorithms Shape our World, Kevin Slavin
Week 12: Privacy, Security, and Censorship – 12/5
Who is watching our online activities? How do you protect a source in the 21st Century? Who gets to access to all of this mass intelligence, and what does the ability to survey everything all the time mean both practically and ethically for journalism? In this lecture we will talk about who is watching and how, and how to create a security plan using threat modeling.
- Digital Security for Journalists, Part 1 and Part 2, Jonathan Stray
- Hearst New Media Lecture 2012, Rebecca MacKinnon
- CPJ journalist security guide section 3, Information Security
- Global Internet Filtering Map, Open Net Initiative
- Unplugged: The Show part 9: Public Key Cryptography
- Diffe-Hellman key exchange, ArtOfTheProblem
- Tor Project Overview
- Who is harmed by a real-names policy, Geek Feminism
Assignment: Use threat modeling to come up with a security plan for a given scenario.
Week 13: Tracking flow and impact – 12/12
How does information flow in the online ecosystem? What happens to a story after it’s published? How do items spread through social networks? We’re just beginning to be able to track ideas as they move through the network, by combining techniques from social network analysis and bioinformatics.
- Metrics, Metrics everywhere: Can we measure the impact of journalism?, Jonathan Stray
- Meme-tracking and the Dynamics of the News Cycle, Leskovec et al.
- The role of social networks in information diffusion, Eytan Bakshy et al.
- Defining Moments in Risk Communication Research: 1996–2005, Katherine McComas
- Chain Letters and Evolutionary Histories, Charles H. Bennett, Ming Li and Bin Ma
- Competition among memes in a world with limited attention, Weng et al.
- Zach Seward, In the news cycle, memes spread more like a heartbeat than a virus
- How hidden networks orchestrated Stop Kony 2012, Gilad Lotan
Final projects due 12/19 (dual degree Journalism/CS students only)