Here are the slides for Week 1, class of 10 September.
You will need to choose a data set to work on by the 24th. Here are some of the projects and data sources we discussed in class, which might provide inspiration — but pretty much anything of public interest is fair game. Remember, there are many types of data: documents, tables of numbers, networks of relationships, images, and more.
- Guardian World Data Index, a search engine on world government data
- SEC EDGAR system, all public company filings in the US
- The Network of Global Corporate Control
- IRE/NICAR database library, classic computer-assisted reporting data sets
- US National Hydrography dataset, every body of water plus things like pollution data
- UN Development Program indices and statistics
- The US Federal Register
- Federal Election Commission campaign finance data
-, all (?) government contracts
- social network of corporate board membership (old, but interesting)